Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Waterless Toothbrush Saves Water & Teeth

DENTAL NEWS: Two health professionals from New York have developed a toothbrush that doesn't require the use of running water. Called AquaFree, the toothbrush uses its own water supply concealed in the brush's handle for rinsing.

AquaFree is the brain child of entrepreneurs and health professionals Todd Spinelli and Frank Ottaviani and was unveiled earlier this month at the annual Greater New York Dental Meeting and Convention.

More than 100,000 of the new toothbrushes will be handed out to local school children in New York City and Long Island in the upcoming months to conserve more than 2 million gallons of water from local residents a day.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimated the average citizen wasted 2 gallons of water daily as part of brushing teeth and oral hygiene.

More than 2 billion people in the world don't have access to sanitary water and the AquaFree toothbrush could provide a healthy alternative as well as contribute to the well being of others in which water conservation is mandatory, Spinelli and Ottaviani said.


DENTAL VIEWS: Saving water is all well and good but I think the creators of this toothbrush fail to realize the biggest advantage of their product is not that it'll save a few gallons of water per year but rather that it'll make it easier for the average person to brush of their teeth more often without having to have access to running water all the time.

Count me as one of these "average persons".

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Dental Health and Preventive Medicine
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Monday, December 28, 2009

More Dentists Offering Quick HIV Tests

Dental News
Nationwide, a handful of public health agencies are trying to bring HIV testing to the dental chair. Nowhere is this testing more prevalent than in New York State. "The surprise factor is you are offering this," said Dr. Catrise Austin, who has tested some 100 patients for HIV at VIP Smiles, her New York City clinic, since July.

"The topic of HIV can be uncomfortable for some, so we decided we would talk about it with patients in a matter-of-fact way, the way we talk about cavities and gum disease."

To test for the AIDS-causing virus, all a dentist needs to do is swipe a patient's upper and lower gums with a $15 OraQuick Advance kit. Within 20 minutes, the swab will change colors to indicate a positive or negative result just like a home pregnancy test.

Approximately one in 10 Americans visit a dentist but not a physician each year, and about a quarter of HIV-infected people don't even know their status, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

Related Blog Posts
Dentists May Detect HIV Before Doctors ( July 2, 2009 )

Saturday, December 26, 2009

how to decide the exact insurance

this is my own experience in choosing auto insurance institution...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Gift Cards To Pay Your Dental Bills?

Dental News
Health care providers this year rolled out a different sort of stocking stuffer: Gift cards that can be used to pay your dental bills for specific services.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida might have the largest program, selling gift cards at over 1,000 Winn-Dixie and CVS stores in the state. The providers selling them say they can make a good gift, but industry observers say some cards may not be right for many consumers.

In the Blue Cross Blue Shield program, a $19 gift card gets recipients a 10% to 50% discount on braces, dentures, crowns, fillings, oral surgery and cosmetic dentistry and/or a 10% to 60% discount on eye exams, glasses or contact lenses. "They are a wonderful solution, but they are not the ideal solution for everyone," said BCBS of Florida spokesman Doug Bartel who pointed out that the cards do not cover everything and do not replace comprehensive health/dental insurance plans do.

Some say health care is too complicated to be covered by a thin piece of plastic. But supporters disagree. "It's hard enough to afford Christmas, let alone check-ups and doctor's visits," says Sean Ness of Syracuse. "I'd love someone to hand me a card that would cover even some of those [health care] expenses."

Critics Disagree
Some health care professionals point out that health-based gift cards frequently come with numerous restrictions or cost more than the benefit is worth.

One recent version of a health care gift card which failed was Pennsylvania health insurer Highmark who dropped a card after one year because of consumer confusion. "A card is an inanimate object. Health care is a complicated product. It's very difficult to understand. And even the card itself, it had those restrictions and confusion around which products could be bought and which ones couldn't," Highmark spokeswoman Kristin Ash said.

Charlie Villar, who was shopping at a CVS store in Miami where the Blue Cross cards were being sold, said medical and dental bills are too complex for gift cards. "Even with my own health care, you have to take a close look at what your plan offers you. And for $59 or $19, I mean I don't know what I'm going to be giving someone," said Villar, a 38-year-old marketer.

Related Blog Posts
Dental Care On The Cheap ( August 15, 2009 )
A Dentist On Reducing Your Dental Bills ( April 21, 2009 )
Taking Bite Out Of Dental Bills ( August 13, 2007 )

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dental Expense Deductions You're Entitled To

Dental News
To alleviate the high cost of health care, you can take advantage of tax breaks allowed by the IRS for medical and dental expenses. To qualify, your medical and dental expenses for the year must be higher than the '7.5% limit' of your adjusted gross income. Once your expenses exceed this percentage, you can deduct the cost of treatments from physicians, dentists, and other practitioners. The expense of buying medical aids such as glasses, contact lenses, wheelchairs, and hearing aids can be deducted as well. If you used your car for medical reasons, you can claim 18 cents a mile.

Additionally, certain health/dental insurance premiums, and most medical/dental tests and procedures will count as deductions. If you're self-employed, up to 100 percent of your health/dental insurance costs can be deducted. Medical-related expenses that are not deductible include cosmetic surgery performed for appearance only and over-the-counter medications. Keep in mind that you should maintain good records showing what you and your insurance company have paid. These tips are meant to provide general information on federal income taxes.

For specific advice, please consult a tax advisor or call the toll-free number for Federal Tax Information and Assistance at 1-800-829-1040.

Related Blog Posts
Healthcare Only Credit Cards? ( November 17, 2007 )

Monday, December 21, 2009

Dental Plaque, Raisins & Bran Flakes: A Sugary Connection

Added Sugar In Raisin Cereals Increases Acidity Of Dental Plaque
Elevated dental plaque acid is a risk factor that contributes to cavities in children. But eating bran flakes with raisins containing no added sugar does not promote more acid in dental plaque than bran flakes alone, according to new research at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Published in the dental journal Pediatric Dentistry, the study involved children ages 7 to 11 and four different types of test foods -- raisins; bran flakes; raisin bran cereal with added sugar; mix of bran flakes with raisins without added sugar. The study found that adding unsweetened raisins to bran flakes did not increase plaque acid compared to bran flakes alone.

Some dentists believe sweet, sticky foods such as raisins cause cavities because they are difficult to clear off the tooth surfaces, said Christine Wu, professor and director of cariology research at UIC and lead investigator of the study. However, studies have shown that raisins are rapidly cleared from the surface of the teeth just like apples, bananas and chocolate, she said. In a previous study then at the same university, researchers identified several natural compounds from raisins that can inhibit the growth of some oral bacteria linked to cavities or gum disease.

Related Blog Posts
Dental Plaque More Dangerous To Blacks Than Whites? ( September 25, 2009 )
Can Diet Soda Cause Cavities? ( April 5, 2008 )
Flossing Increases Lifespan ( June 27, 2007 )

Technorati Tags

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dental Health and Information: How Invisalign Braces Work?

Invisalign braces work by having the patient wear a clear plastic staff, is characterized, the patient's mouth and teeth change position over time to fit. Change Invisalign retainers every two to three weeks from the general Council dentist in this free video on dentistry and braces.

Sonic toothbrushes - Most Affordable Method of Dental Hygiene

No dental hygiene program may be more expensive than just keeping your teeth and gums with dental caries infection. Includes audio cleaning teeth, there is plenty of affordable way to healthy teeth and gums. If you take care oral hygiene on a daily basis, you will not be expensive to repair, modification and concerns dentures.

In addition, the effects on your teeth and gums, oral health can affect health problems such as immune-cast disease and diabetes.These are just other ways to the lack of oral hygiene can translate into hundreds or even spent one thousand U.S. dollars corrective measures in nursing. Care of the mouth should be taken seriously, and sonic toothbrushes are a good start.

Sonic toothbrushes that are good for dental hygiene have features to be effective. Timer is an important feature that you brush up your teeth thoroughly clean. Automatic shut-off keeps your soundToothbrush with a system where you run many applications before the batteries need to be changed. Some toothbrushes have recharge indicators audio as well.

Sonic speed bristle toothbrushes should be factory set at high speed. Fluid cleaning action, you can use the brush more easily and smoothly. Some sound toothbrushes are programmed so that you achieve in all areas of the mouth. Your dental experience is pleasant and purposeful. If youget a solid brush with a warranty, you benefit from even greater savings in dental hygiene.

Dental hygiene is very important for maintaining general health. Sonic toothbrushes can you see that you have the best care of your teeth and gums. It is one of the largest transactions in health care today.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Silver Fillings (Amalgam)

I don't want a silver filling! I hear this from time to time in the office. What are silver fillings (amalgam fillings)? They are sometimes called amalgam because they have a few different things in them amalgamated together to form something new.

Just so you know we do not do amalgam silver fillings anymore in our office and have not for many years. This mainly was a factor of the improvement in the strength and durability of white fillings and patient demand. We have found that the ability of the stonger newer composite white fillings that bond to the tooth (strengthening it) and the cosmetic benefits make it a very desirable restorative material.

Amalgam consists of a powder of ground up mainly silver and copper and some other metals mixed with a little drop of mercury. You shake it all together (amalgamate). After a few seconds of "trituration" the thing is kind of maleable and putty like. It is placed into the cavity preperation and initially hardens in a few minutes. It is very important to note that there is basically no murcury coming out of a silver filling once it is amalgamated. They are quite safe as determined by extensive scientific clinical studies-(See links below.)
Silver fillings were very common in the past and were the standard of care, and still are, because they hold up quite well to biting forces. If a dentist is still doing silver fillings, that is still an acceptable method of treatment. There are a few drawbacks to "silver" fillings: 1. They do not bond to the tooth, they basically just fill the cavity. 2. They are silver so there is a cosmetic concern. Now, how many people are looking at your back teeth trying to see in there? If you know them that well, it probably does not matter what your teeth look like. Still, we are all concerned with appearance and want the most cosmetic solution available. 3. thermal conductivity is better/lower with white fillings.

See the ADA sites here for more scientific reviewed studies on this sometimes controversial subject:
ADA site on dental filling options
ADA Summary of safety of Amalgam study April 19th issue JADA 2006

Friday, May 22, 2009

menjemput pekerjaan

seorang teman yang akan berangkat ke bali demi seorang wanita.................

bagaimana memulai bisnis online

Selasa, 2008 Februari 05

cara mudah dapat uang dari blog

Setelah membaca haruskah anda nge-blog demi uang, sekarang mari kita lihat beberapa model cara mencari uang lewat blog.

Sy cenderung membagi model-model yang dipakai para blogger untuk mendapatkan uang dari blog nya ke dalam 2 bagian - Langsung dan Tidak Langsung

Metode Langsung - Metode-metode yang mana para blogger mencari uang secara langsung DARI blog mereka.

Metode Tidak Langsung - Metode-metode yang mana para blogger mendapatkan uang KARENA blog mereka.

Hampir semua blogger cenderung menggunakan salah satu metode - meski tidak ada alasan untuk menghentikan para blogger ber eksperimen dengan elemen2 keduanya (Sy melihat beberapa blogger menghadapi masalah karena hal ini (contoh : Skenario 1 di posting sebelumnya)

Dalam postingan ini, sy akan sharing metode mendapatkan uang secara langsung dan di postingan berikut sy akan meng-eksplore metode2 tidak langsung.

Metode Mendapatkan Uang secara Langsung bagi para Blogger

1. Iklan

Ada banyak cara menjual spasi iklan di blog (pembahasan tentang topik ini dapat dijadikan menjadi sebuah serial tersendiri) tetapi beberapa pilihan iklan yang sering digunakan adalah:
Iklan kontekstual - Program seperti
AdSense dan YPN (beta) sangat populer bagi para blogger dan mungkin menjadi sumber pendapat yang paling sering dipakai sekarang ini (MSN juga sedang mengembangkannya). Singkatnya - Program ini membaca apa isi dan topik blog anda dan menampilkan iklan yang sesuai (teks dan gambar). Mereka umumnya mudah digunakan dan hanya dibutuhkan copy paste kode ke blog template anda. Pembayaran didasarkan atas "per klik" (biasanya disebut CPC - Cost Per Click). Iklan kontekstual cocok bagi topik yang memiliki dasar komersial (misalnya suatu produk atau jasa tertentu). Mereka kurang bagus digabung dengan tipe blog "umum" (banyak topik) dan/atau politik/spiritual blog (ini akan membingungkan AdSense).
Iklan CPC lainnya - Ada banyak variasi sistem iklan yang lain yang membayar berdasarkan klik tetapi tidak bersifat kontekstual (yg harus diperhatikan adalah sistem seperti AdSense tidak mengijinkan anda untuk memasang iklan kontekstual lain di halaman yang sama). Sistem seperti ini termasuk Chitika eMiniMalls
Iklan berdasar "Impression" - Iklan yg berdasarkan "Impression" membayar jumlah kecil bagi setiap org yang melihat iklannya. Jumlah yang mereka bayar bervariasi bergantung masing2 program dan iklan. Ada banyak variasi sistem iklan yang seperti ini termasuk Fastclick dan Tribal Fusion. Iklan yg berdasar "impression" tidak banyak menghasilkan uang jika anda tidak memiliki banyak pengunjung, tetapi juga berlaku kebalikannya.
Blog Ads - Blog Ads sekarang ini hanya menerima orang ke dalam sistem mereka jika mereka memiliki seseorang yang telah dalam "sponsor" atau direkomendasikan.
Iklan Teks - Cara lain yang mulai populer utk menjual iklan di blog anda adalah teks link. Kelebihannya adalah mereka tidak memakan banyak tempat dan tergantung sistem yg anda pilih, anda memiliki kontrol utk menerima atau menolak pemasang iklan. Adbrite adalah salah satu sistem yg memberikan anda kontrol atas harga dan persetujuan kepada pengiklan. Text Link Ads adalah penjual link teks lain yg sering digunakan juga oleh para blogger. Kelebihan dari keduanya ialah mereka telah memiliki pool sponsor sehingga anda tidak perlu mencari sponsor iklan sendiri. Bidvertiser dan Adzaar adalah sistem lain yg juga lumayan dikenal oleh para blogger.
Iklan RSS - Cara yg mulai populer adalah membaca blog melalui RSS. Akibatnya publisher dan penyedia iklan harus mencari cara utk meletakkan iklan dalam feed. Sy jarang mendengar orang mendapatkan sejumlah besar $ melalui iklan RSS tetapi sistem iklan ini kelihatannya semakin berkembang. AdSense menawarkan iklan RSS pada beberapa publisher nya (anda harus memiliki sejumlah tertentu impression sebelumnya) seperti halnya YPN. Feedburner adalah alat yg sy pakai utk memasang iklan di feed - mereka memberikan 3 pilihan (1. AdSense jika anda disetujui mereka, 2. Program afiliasi Amazon dan 3. Jika anda memiliki banyak sebscriber (lebih dari 500) mereka memiliki sebuah Network Iklan). Pheedo adalah sistem lain yg mgkn dapat anda coba juga.
Sistem Iklan yg lain - Sebagai tambahan dari sistem2 di atas, masih banyak pilihan iklan2 yg sy tidak ketahui. Sy yakin mereka patut utk dicoba :
AdGenta, CrispAds, Clicksor, Intelli Txt, Peak Click, Double Click, Industry Brains, AdHearUs, Kanoodle, AVN, Pheedo, Adknowledge, YesAdvertising, RevenuePilotTextAds, SearchFeed, Target Point, OneMonkey, and TextAds.

2. Sponsorship

Bentuk lain dari advertising yg digunakan oleh para blogger adalah mencari sponsor sendiri Semua sistem2 di atas memiliki keuntungan menemukan sponsor bagi anda (atau setidaknya membimbing anda dalam otomatisasi iklan di blog anda) tetapi bila blog anda semakin berkembang, anda mungkin menemukan pilihan lain utk mendapat sponsor sendiri. Blog network yg besar memiliki orang2 yg berdedikasi pada tugas2 menemukan sponsor.

3. Program2 Afiliasi

Dengan program2 Afiliasi, anda menerima komisi jika me-refer pembaca membeli sebuah produk atau jasa dari sebuah perusahaan. Mungkin program yg paling sering dipakai adalah Amazon yg memiliki 10.000 lebih produk yg dapat anda hubungkan. Program2 afiliasi lainnya adalah LinkShare, Commision Junction dan Clickbank. (Tidak semua dari mereka menerima orang Indonesia)

4. Menjual Blog

Ide menjual blog anda mungkin akan muncul pada "suatu saat", tapi hal ini tidaklah lazim dalam kenyataannya. Meungkin penjualan terbesar adalah Weblogs Inc (sebuah blog network) yg dijual ke AOL seharga $25 juta. Tentu saja hal ini hanya dapat terjadi dalam mimpi2 kita - tapi ada contoh blog yg lebih kecil yg dijual, via lelang di eBay atau SitePoint. Salah satu contohnya adalah Blog Herald yang dijual disini.

Memulai sebuah blog dengan tujuan utk dijual dilakukan oleh beberapa orang blogger, tapi hanya sedikit yang telah sukses. Daripada memulai dengan tujuan ini, sy pikir lebih baik jika anda memulainya dengan membangun site yg berkualitas yg berpotensi utk memiliki banyak pembaca dan dengan sendiri nya akan banyak sumber pendapatan yg dapat diimplementasikan pada site tsb termasuk menarik minat pembeli utk menawar site anda.

5. Sumbangan

Sepanjang pengetahuan sy, sangat sedikit blog yg memperoleh banyak uang melalui metode ini (Jason Kottke salah satunya). Agar sukses mendapatkan uang dari para pembaca, anda harus memiliki banyak pemabaca setia (dan punya uang tentunya).

6. Menjual Produk

Metode lain yg digunakan para blogger adalah menjual T-shirt, Mug, Stiker dll yg sesuai dengan nama, logo blognya. Ini adalah ide yg dapat berjalan jika anda memiliki kemampuan design yg bagus. Anda juga harus memiliki pembaca fanatik yg terobsesi dengan blog anda.

7. Menjual Subscriptions

Ide menjual subscription blog sering dipakai dari waktu ke waktu. Banyak site yg sukses dari metode ini. Masalahnya ialah banyak blog2 lain yg menyediakan informasi, topik, atau ide yg sama dengan blog anda secara gratis. Anda harus memiliki informasi, ide, topik atau isi blog yg eksklusif dan anda sendiri harus benar2 expert dalam topik yg anda jual.

8. Blog Networks

Ada 2 cara mendapatkan uang dengan metode ini. Pertama anda dapat memulai network dan menmbuat kontrak dengan para blogger utk menulis bagi anda atau ... kedua, anda dapat bergabung dengan network blog sebagai penulis. Ada banyak network di luar sana dan mereka mempunyai kelebihan dan kelemahan masing2.
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